You dream
of having
Beautiful body, great health
positive life attitude
Has an ideal body shape with the height and weight proportionate is everybody's dream. Not only women, men also dream of it. Because it is, do not be surprised if a lot of people who go on a diet to have it.
Has an ideal body shape not only can make people more confident, but being overweight is not good for health. The trick is to manage your diet and recognize the body's metabolism.
When it comes to weight loss, the formula is simple: diet and exercise. However, eating less and exercising more doesn't necessarily translate to weight loss. Weight doesn't actually tell you about your body's composition, not the deposit of hidden fat, which leaves dieters putting on the kilograms they once lost.
A better understanding of your body and weight along with a healthy diet and exercise plan can give you the body your deserve. Although millions of people diet and yet nearly two-thirds are overweight or obese, there are little-known things about weight loss that can help curb this data. Losing weight can be as simple as writing the kilograms away.
1. Change your metabolism
You're not stuck with the metabolism you
were born with, for better or for worse. Metabolism is linked to weight,
but a slow metabolism isn't the cause of excess weight gain. Your food
and beverage intake along with your physical activity determines your
weight. Your metabolism functions is based on what you eat and how you
work out.
2. You can be fat and fit
popular misconception when it comes to health is that size matters. The
assumption that the thinner you are, the healthier, has been disproven
by a growing body of research which suggests the opposite. A 2008 study
published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine found out of
5,440 American adults surveyed, 51 percent overweight and 32 percent
obese had normal cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure, among
many other health indicators. Meanwhile, 24 percent of trim adults were
“metabolically abnormal,” meaning they have a higher risk for heart
disease compared to their heavyset counterparts. This proves some obese
people are metabolically healthy when it comes to cardiovascular risk.
3. Losing weight early and fast helps you keep it off
and steady usually wins the race, except in weight loss. Choosing to
lose weight quickly can actually help you keep it off for longer. A 2010
study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine
found women who lost weight at a faster rate — more than 750g a week —
lost more and maintained a greater loss compared to women who lost
weight at a slower rate — 250g a week or less. Women who lost weight
faster kept better food records and ate fewer calories than the other
women. Losing weight at a faster rate can be more reinforcing when it
comes to modifying eating and exercising habits.
4. Exercising more doesn't necessarily mean you'll lose more weight
Exercise is of utmost
importance, because it helps to regulate Insulin levels and burn the
sugar in the blood. Besides all other health benefits of exercise, it
helps to burn the stored energy (fat), increase metabolism and blood
flow. There is a lot to be said about the different types of exercise,
but research proved that the best fat burning exercise is not the amount
of time spend in the gym, but the quality of exercise.
5. Sleeping more to weight less
The duration of sleep
can directly affect your body mass. Rest (Sleep) is very important,
because your body needs at least 6 to 8 hours of good sleep per night to
recover. If you don’t get enough sleep, you tend to crave carbohydrates
the next day. As fruit in nature go through certain cycles before the
sugars has developed enough to be eaten, our bodies also needs to go
through the rest (sleep) cycle to repair and recover itself.
6. Drinking water
Water is just as
important in the weight loss process as all the above mentioned points.
Water helps to regulate blood sugar. There is a fine balance in keeping
your body hydrated and sometimes you might feel hungry, but your body
actually requires water. Always keep a bottle or glass of water nearby
and take a few sips at regular intervals throughout the day. You will
find that you eat less this way and it will also help to flush toxins
out of the
Drinking water at certain time maximizes it’s effectiveness on the
- 2 glasses of water after waking up – helps activate internal organs
- 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – helps digestion
- 1 glass of water before taking a bath – helps lower blood pressure
- 1 glass of water before going to bed – avoids stroke or heart attack
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